Exams Know-how

Myths and facts for LSAT

Kashyap Matani

The LSAT or the Law School Admission Test is a standardized test used to admit student all around the world in some of the greatest law school of the world. Since this is a test taken by thousands of students worldwide, it is logical some facts would be deduced.. But are all of these facts? Some of these might just be myths. But not to worry; Yocket will help you to identify the actual facts with its “myth-detector” machine (that’s not completely true; don’t shop for it on Amazon or Flipkart). So, let the facts begin!

1) Writing sample does not matter

Writing sample is not a scored section plus not all law school admission counselors read it. So, it should not matter much and this is a fact, right?

No, it’s a MYTH!

Writing samples can do your application more damage than good. Yes, a good writing sample has the same value as an excellent writing sample. But, it’s awful, you are in deep trouble. The writing sample tests your ability to write concise and logical arguments under stress. The law schools use writing samples just to make sure your argument skills are above par.

2) LSAT is something where your score can improve upon practice

A lot of LSAT exam-takers often say that LSAT is akin to a IQ test; despite practice, you cannot increase your score. No, don’t believe them.

It’s a FACT!

With proper practice, you can increase your LSAT scores from a paltry 140 to an awesome 168. Plus in recent times, law schools generally take in your higher score of the number of LSATs you have taken so it’s a win-win. However, 2 or more LSATS might be uneconomical.

3) LSAT is only taken by lawyers going for better law schools

Now this might seem a fact since in India and other countries, rarely engineers or doctors go for an LL.M.

It’s a MYTH!

Statistics reveal something very strange: among all undergraduates, the top most scores are generally scored by engineers/ undergraduates who were science majors. Engineers don’t even spare law exams to top it seems!

4) A great LSAT score means going to a great law school

This one is extremely simple to detect if it’s myth or fact.

It’s a MYTH!

Granted a good score can get you into a good law school; but it is first boundary your application needs to cross before it can go into the ‘admit pile’.  Top schools like Yale, Harvard or Stanford have a huge number of applicants with so less admission rates that it is possible that a 179 scorer might be rejected.

5) If you cancel your score, your dream school’s committee will see them

It’s a MYTH!

Ok, get this straight: this is a law school admissions board, not a CIA station that can see everything you have done.

In case you feel you have a bad score and wish to cancel it or not send to any law school, the score won’t be revealed to your dream school. But they would know that you took an LSAT before which affects their decision of admitting you. The reason why cancelling scores affects admission is because law schools understand you cancelled your scores because of low scores which means you can’t perform well when under pressure. Performing well under stress or pressure….isn’t’ that the job of an attorney?

Hence, cancelled scores would not be seen by your law school but they would know you gave an LSAT previously and cancelled the scores.

Today, our machine broke some myths and made some facts concrete about LSAT. We will use our machine once again in the next blog posts too, in case you still have some facts to be proved.

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