PR and Career opportunities

10 Highest Paying Jobs in Canada for International Students

Rohan Deshmukh

As an international student, has this question always buzzed in your mind- ‘Are there any jobs in Canada for Indian freshers?’ And if yes, what are the highest paying jobs for international students in Canada?

Try googling for jobs high in demand in Canada and you will get hundreds of results. But do you often read about challenges, work permits and tips for getting jobs as an Indian graduate in Canada in one blog post? Let’s go from A to Z of finding top jobs for international students in Canada.

Top 10 high paying jobs in Canada

Job title

Average annual salary (CAD)

Dentist 3,90,000
Psychiatrist 2,42,000
Surgeon 1,60,000
Lawyer 1,08,000
IT Manager 97,190
Business Operations Manager 87,500
Pilot 73,000
Marketing Manager  72,500
Sales Manager 70,000
Petroleum Engineer 50,000

Wondering if your course revolves around these highest paying jobs in Canada? Don’t worry. These are major job titles and a single field can have multiple branches. For example, for all top paying IT jobs in Canada for Indian computer engineers, you need not only see 'IT Manager' on the list! Let's explore some more top jobs for international students in Canada just like you. 

High paying jobs in Computer Science field in Canada

Job Title

Median Annual Salary (CAD)

Senior Java Developer 128,917
Devops Engineer 125,000
Java Developer 120,000
Data Engineer 120,000
Senior Software Engineer 118,500
Full Stack Developer 110,000
Net Developer 107,250
Software Engineer 103,651
Data Scientist 102,500
Developer 100,000
Project Manager 91,484
Senior Business Analyst 85,000
Product Manager 77,500
Web Developer 72,500

We hope that you are feeling good about so many high paying jobs in Canada. Now, let’s get you some tips to overcome the anxiety of getting jobs in Canada after MS.

5 best tips to get best jobs in Canada for international students after graduating

1. Keep yourself updated

  • By this we don’t mean top trending movies. Jokes part, read newspapers and business magazines. Keep track of highest paid jobs in Canada

  • For example, if you are a marketing enthusiast, read about trending jobs, salaries, prospective employers, accepted certifications in that field. 

2. Pre-plan

  • Updating yourself is a part of pre-planning. 

  • Keep an eye on your university’s or college’s placement status. Check statistics of previous placement sessions to know about top paying companies in Canada.

  • List down your dream companies, understand their job descriptions and work on how you can be an asset to them.

3. Document your strengths and weakness

  • Know your strong and weak areas to further improve e.g. presentation skills. 

  • Documentation helps in keeping you aware and later work on your personality traits, so switch on your computer and start typing!

4. Build a strong resume

  • You want a job, right? Resume is the key to unlock a job in any of the highest paying companies in Canada.

  • See sample resume over the web for job titles of your interest to prepare according to in demand jobs in Canada for international students.

  • Keep it crisp and simple

  • Highlight your education, skills and certifications, if any.

  • Think from a recruiter’s perspective of why should you be hired

  • One resume and one cover letter doesn’t work for all companies, customize these according to job descriptions.

5. Networking

  • Keep in touch with your seniors

  • Learn professional communication skills such as writing follow up emails.

  • Update your profile over top job sites in Canada such as LinkedIn,,,, and stay active over these. 

  • Follow up with companies but don’t nag them

  • Keep trying, don’t lose hope and start networking as soon as possible

  • Learn to communicate fluently both verbally and in writing

  • Keep an eye on job-related news

To give you an idea of what kind of news to roll over your eyes at, let’s get straight to our next section.

Government schemes for training or jobs for international students in Canada

1. Atlantic International Graduate Program (AIGP)

Introduced in 2017, this program helps international students from eligible educational institutions to apply for permanent residency without long work experience but a job offer from an employer in Atlantic Canada.

2. Irving Shipbuilding program 

 Students looking for real-life work experience while studying can apply for co-op internships in the following fields.

  • Process Improvement

  • Marine Engineering

  • Accounting

Now that you have learned so much about job opportunities in Canada, let us see how you can apply for highest paying jobs in Canada after graduation.

Ways to apply for work after studies in Canada

Work Permits

Key Points

Postgraduate work permit
  • Graduate from a designated learning institute

  • Apply within 180 days of final mark sheet

  • Valid for maximum 3 years

  • Processing fees: 255 CAD

Employer specific work permit
  • Duration of your stay decided by employer

  • Employer details needed to apply

  • 5 days of processing time

Open Work permit
  • Not a given employer dependent

  • Can be taken if you are a destitute student


There is a lot more you may want to know about these permits. But are you still worried about fitting in the Canadian workplace environment as an international student? We recommend you to read our next section for some quick tips on workplace culture after you bag one of the top paying jobs in Canada.   

Quick ways to understand the workplace culture of Canada

  • Dress code: This depends on the employer and you should feel free to ask about it before your joining day.

  • Friendly gestures: Introduce yourself by shaking hands if you are meeting anyone for the first time.

  • Greetings: Wishing your colleagues a ‘good morning’ is a good start for everyone’s day.

  • Addressing professionals: For seniors or other professionals such as doctors or lawyers, it is good to refer them with Mr./Ms. followed by their last name. If you have a friendly bonding with someone, calling one with the first name is more than welcomed in Canada.

  • Communication: Not only speaking but listening carefully is a part of effective communication. Maintain an eye-contact, initiating some general topic on sports or entertainment with someone new and maintaining an approachable body language can be really helpful.

  • Be punctual: Canadians are pretty strict about scheduled meetings. It is better to inform your peers beforehand in case of any delays.

We hope this blogpost helps you overcome your doubts about the highest paying jobs for international students in Canada and how to prepare yourself for your dream companies. Working in a foreign land can be a smooth experience if you understand the work culture and head start building your resume and profile from an early stage of education. You can also explore the entire application process to study in Canada in our guide. Yocket wishes you all the best in your journey ahead!


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