Profile Details:
University: West Virginia University
Course: MS in Civil Engineering
First Attempt
Delhi Consulate
Date: June 2017
Status: Approved
Counter No: 19
Visa interview Experience:
Loopholes in my visa application:
- Rejected B2 visa last year.(on old passport with no last name, this year I had a new passport with all last name and given name).
- Fathers surname mismatches in my passport and his passport and financial docs.
- Many relatives are there(even close ones).
- Few mistakes in ds160.
- No education loan.
- Going on family funds.
- I have panic disorder.
- I have a problem of stammering.
- Given GRE 3 times 291 295 304,
- Applied to all average universities.
- Graduated last year and done nothing in between.(not prepared for this answer)
- Applying for visa very late.
(I had already presumed I gotta give my visa interview 3-4 times)
VO was a beautiful lady around 25-26.
While she was taking an interview before me I was shaking of all sweated.
VO: Good morning sir!
ME: Good morning ma'am how are you?
VO: Please pass your documents
ME: (shivering hands) passed
VO: Which university?
ME: (literally bhool gaya, then I told her on a slow pace) ma'am I have a problem of stammering by birth although I'm working on it very hard so could you please excuse me for my stammering.
(She passed a long smile and told me to be calm).
VO: Let's start it again
ME: (calmed a lot, started to speak on a slow pace which I always do) I'm going to West Virginia University.
VO: What's your dad doing?
ME: He is a government employee but my mom is my major sponsor.
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VO: What's your mom doing?
ME: She is a co owner of a construction company.
VO: How long she is in business?
ME: 20 years.
VO: How will you be funding your education?
ME: (totally calmed) I have got family funds of *** lakhs in fixed deposit of *** Lakhs, **** in bank account.
(She was typing)
VO: Why this University?
ME: Told about research work and about professors
VO: What will you going to do with your degree?
ME: I'll be handling my mom's business after my graduation and open up my own consultancy.
(She was typing)
After few seconds I was expecting arrows on Spartans.
But she gave me those Golden words
VO: Your visa is approved.
ME: Thanks a lot ma'am you have changed my life. (I was crying from inside just holded my tears)
Coming outside of embassy I was wishing luck to all students.
Few Tips
- They don't need any docs but YOU
- I think consulate or VOs doesn't matters
- The thing matters is your genuinity and confidence and confidence
- VOs are really very cool
- Try to talk to other people inside consulate
- Be calm.
- Try to make a strong point on your ties to your country and about your funds.
I just want to congratulate the ones who got their visa approved and all the best for the ones who have rejections just keep trying and try not to take the slot immediately after rejection try to analyze your application from a-z and make few changes then apply.
And all the best for the people who have their interviews in coming days, it doesn't matter how late you are applying so don't take this stress.
Note: Content in this article is taken from a public forum moderated by Yocket. Personal details which may reveal the identity have been removed in order to maintain annonimity.