Which university is best For VISA for MS in CS for Fall 2024?
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Saint Louis University.
University at Albany SUNY
71 votes
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Got 30% scholership from syracus for Ms in MIS bit waiting for NEU admit... What should I do??
Wait for neu or go to syracus #applicationprocess #admissions #applicationprocess
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Those applying for the Fall 2024 Intake in the USA.
#admissions #courses #usa #Fall2024 If y'all are applying for the Fall 2024 intake to study your Master's in the United States, let's create a group chat and have a discussion on universities and courses.
Is it too late to join this race
Hi, I am 2016 graduate (B. Tech) and I want to do MS in computer science. Can you please guide me the right path. I have just started the preparation for GRE. What else I will be needed other than GRE score to successfully enroll in one of the universities. What kind of research papers are required? When I can start applying in University? What are the requirements to get a scholarship? Please let me know any details that can help. Thanks in advance. #applicationprocess #preparation #ComputerScience #admissions