Which university has more rate of visa acceptance
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Anyone from Bangalore planning for Fall23 USA
#fall2023 #admissions #accomodation
University suggestions for MSCS Fall'23 (Ambitious, Moderate and Safe)
Profile CGPA -8.99 IELTS - 7 Band (L-8.5, R- 7.0, W- 6.5, S- 5.5) Projects- 3( 1 Major, 2 minor) Experience - 14 months (Present) Thanks in advance #admissions
In 2009, the price of each Econolux car increased by 10 percent from the 2008 price... (GRE Quants)
In 2009, the price of each Econolux car increased by 10 percent from the 2008 price. In 2010, they decreased by 5 percent and now cost between $18,000 and $19,800. Which of the following could be the price of a 2008 Econolux car? Indicate ALL possible values. A)$17,030 B)$17,230 C)$18,180 D)$18,935 E)$18,955 F)$20,790 Drop your answers below! #GRE #TestPrep #LearnFromYocket #LFY #HardGrade
Any admits?? Is there a WhatsApp group?? For newly admits????
#sfsu #electricalandcomputerengineering