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Shreeyanshi Singh
fall 2027
Which college nd country is best for llm??
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what's an upper division GPA
Hello, please let me know what an upper division GPA (junior and Senior year classes) means for students from India?
Recommend Canadian Universities and their chances
Hi all, I have a B.Tech. in CSE with CGPA 7(~70%).Got 2+ years of relevant experience in MNC as Software Developer.IEL
I got admits from 1.) University of South florida(MsCs)- No funding , costs around 23-25 lakhs
2.) University of Cincinnati (MengCs)- 1 year course with 9.5k scholarship ,Costs around 15 lakhs Which should I go for
Universities in USA for MS in Data Science
Can you suggest me good universities for the below scores:Cgpa - 9.42IELTS- 7.5GRE - 303(Verbal-142, Quant-161)Proj