Next Stop: University of Louisville!
My journey begins! Thrilled to start my studies in Industrial Engineering at University of Louisville. This is just the beginning of an exciting adventure!
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In-state tuition fee in Texas,USA
Hi, anyone who has secured in-state tuition fee for pursuing Ms in any of the public universities in Texas,USA . Kindly,let me know the procedure and requirements to get the scholarship. I was hoping to pursue Ms in data science and planning to appear for fall 2022. TIA #admissions #texas #instatetutionfee #msindatascience
Loan- Prodigy Finance
Hi, has anyone experienced issues with Prodigy Finance's quotations and course breakdowns? I'm given an estimate of more than what I need and they're not willing to customise the loan amount as per my requirement. Any solution for this? #finance #loan
******* University Suggestions******** - Please recommend universities from US or UK in Data science (24 months)
CGPA : 8.99/10 IELTS : 8 GRE : 317 Research Paper : 2 (1 Springer) Work exp : 40 months as Software Developer I have tried College Finder But it is mostly showing 12 or 16 months courses. Please help me to find 2 Years MS program. #masters #ms #USA #UK #datascience
Winter 23 germany ,masters students WhatsApp group ,if you want to join comment on it i will dm the link ,
#Germany #GERMANY #Munich #studyabroad #studyingermany