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Susan Poudel
fall 2020
Traveling to AU
Anyone traveling to AU for spring 22?
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GPA conversation to WES scale
I have a 8.65/10 GPA in my undergraduate degree. Some universities are requesting me to upload my GPA using the WES scal
Retaking which exam can benifit me in my mscs appliication in USA ? I have IELTS score 6.5 and GRE 297.
Hello currently I. In my #applicationprocess stage after getting scores of GRE and IELTS but after a rejection in mscs
i have 17 backlogs,Which unis is best to apply for masters in USA? Toefl = 95 gre=312 cgpa= 6.26 Will i get admits? Pls
Please help me for University shortlisting where gre is waived off .
Hi all,Please suggest me good University for ms in CS in fall 2023.Mainly Looking for gre waived off university Profi