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Sanchi Kataria
fall 2025
Sfu for fall 25
Hey i am trying to find people who have finalized sfu for fall 25 intake
Comments (1)
University of Michigan( MS in Data Science ) or IIT Chicago (MS in CS) which one is the best ?
which one is better for academic , job opportunities ?
I got admits from 1.) University of South florida(MsCs)- No funding , costs around 23-25 lakhs
2.) University of Cincinnati (MengCs)- 1 year course with 9.5k scholarship ,Costs around 15 lakhs Which should I go for
I have done my graduation in Mechanical Engineering. But I look to do Masters in Data Science related courses. Which courses and universities should I look for?
Since pure Data Science courses will hard to get admit into because of my background not related to the field
My gre from home test scores are delayed because of administrative review
I got mail from ets saying that my gre from home test is under administrative review. So can anyone say how many days wo