Profile Evaluation: MS in CS GRE: 309 (159Q - 150V) B Tech. CSE (2016) - 73.8% (UTU) Will be 2 y

Profile Evaluation:
MS in CS
GRE: 309 (159Q - 150V)
B Tech. CSE (2016) - 73.8% (UTU)
Will be 2 years by fall 2018 as a Full Stack Engineer in a startup.
Open Source contributions on Github
Lots of side projects(Games, Android Apps, Web Apps)
LORS - 1 (Industry Strong), 2 Assistant Professors

Shortlisted Universities:
Northeastern University
University Of Illinois, Chicago
University Of Texas, Dallas
SUNY Buffalo
Indiana University, Bloomington
New York University(Tandon) not Courant
Santa Clara University
University Of California, Santa Cruz
California Polytechnic State University
University of south florida

Could you please categorize them according to safe, moderate and ambitious? If there is anything you want me to add or remove, please suggest.

Thank you.


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