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Kavya Reddy
fall 2022
Please suggest TAMUK OR UCM
Suggest one among Tamuk or UCM
Comments (1)
Is it worth accepting an offer from the USF School of Management, or should I opt for less expensive business schools?
I have received an offer from the University of San Francisco for their full-time STEM MBA program. I like their program
Hi All, Has anyone submitted video interview for University of Cincinnati MSIS course?
What are some of the questions asked this year? can anyone help? #MIS #UniversityOfCincinnati
Hello guys, I wish to pursue MS in CS this fall 2022. My academic profile is shown below. Which universities do you guys think I have a good shot at?
- B. Tech in ECE - (10 CGPA -> 4.0 GPA) (1st in university, awarded gold medal, but from I'd say a tier 3 university).
I'm unable to report my GRE score card as it's showing the scores aren't available. I tried reaching the Office of Test Integrity but unfortunately I haven't received any mail from them. Is anyone facing similar issue?
#gre #ets #scorenotavailable #reportgrescore