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Faaiza Sheikh
fall 2024
MS DS at MSU or ASU is better?
Comments (4)
Hi guys, Does the university status / ranking matters for job search? I think the way we perform in our academics matters the most. But still wish to discuss more on this.. Plz reply. Target country-USA
Course- MS in Supply chain Management.Work exp-3 yrs in same.
What all colleges should I consider for my masters considering my profile?
I have a UG degree from Mechanical, but then currently 2 yrs experience (3 yrs when I join for masters) as a data analys
Do we need submit SOP for CSU master applications?
I filled all application of California state university, and still I didn;t see any option or field to put my SOP, any
Lets catch up if you’re too heading to Northeastern University 👋
Hey everyone! 👋Has anyone here enrolled in Northeastern University? I’ve just enrolled in the Master’s in Information