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Sai Venkatesh Sure
fall 2022
Is anyone going for suny new Paltz for fall intake
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Fall 2023
When should we start applying to universities for FALL 2023? #USA #admissonprocess #fall2023
Can anyone please suggest me the best universities for MS in US??
B.Tech Percentage: 67.29 (3.16/4.0 GPA)WES Evaluation: DoneDuolingo Score: 120No GREB. Tech Major; Computer Science
Germany for winter semester 2024.
If anyone is looking to apply in Germany in Winter semester 2024, let's collaborate and help each other in the process.
Received an admission from a USA university? Here are the next steps!
- Show finance docs to receive I20 Once you are accepted to a Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP)-certified