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Harshavardhan Reddy Aouthu
fall 2023
I have 63.7 gpa in cs which university I can get admit for masters in either MIS, MIT
Comments (1)
Recommend Canadian Universities and their chances
Hi all, I have a B.Tech. in CSE with CGPA 7(~70%).Got 2+ years of relevant experience in MNC as Software Developer.IEL
Can we book visa slot with one i20 and then change to other?
I have i20 from a few school, namely NCSU, ASU and others. And I am still waiting for i20 from TAMU. But TAMU is taking
Any suggestions to shortlist my Universities according to my profile??
GRE - 321TOEFL -99CGPA - 8.35Currently working in Servicenow as Tech support engineer. Total work ex - 3 yearsUnder
Suggestions for MS in Machine learning and AI.
I want to do a Master's in Machine learning/ AI . Graduated from NIT Durgapur 2019 , Computer science Department . CGPA