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spring 2017
how is Merrimack college,Massachusetts
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What all colleges should I consider for my masters considering my profile?
I have a UG degree from Mechanical, but then currently 2 yrs experience (3 yrs when I join for masters) as a data analys
I-20 showing course duration as 3 years
Hi guys, i have applied to ASU and my i-20 is showing course duration as 3 years, will it be problem for me and what sho
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I'm planning to go US for this spring 2022.I haven't taken any test so far. IELTS slots are filled till November. Looking for GRE waiver universities. I'm planning to take Duolingo test in next 5 days.
with only duolingo score will I make it to US for this spring 2022. If I start applying for colleges from Sept 15 onward