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pranav nair

fall 2025

17 days ago

How I got into NYU for MSCS (and course review)

Hi, Pranav here from TheGradPost(.com)! This post is based on my interview with Aditeya who got into NYU for the MSCS program.

PES University
B.E. Computer Science, 8.71 GPA
320 GRE
2 Year Work Ex @ Cisco
3 paper publications

He applied to 15 colleges, USC and UMass to name a few.

He gives a review of the college, tuition fees and scholarships (TA/RA). Snippet on cons of NYU below:

"On the downside, NYU doesn’t have a traditional campus. It’s more like a collection of buildings scattered throughout the city. So, if you’re looking for that classic campus experience with green spaces and a centralized student life, NYU does not offer that. Most students come to class, meet with professors, discuss their research, and then head back home. The moderately large intake also means that enrolment for courses is competitive with the most popular courses getting filled up in seconds..."

Links to all case studies: thegradpost(.com)


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