Hi All, confused in choosing btwn FSU and UA for MS in Data science program. Please help with your suggestions
Poll Options
Ms in DS FSU
MS in DS University of Arizona
Apply for spring 24.
7 votes
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Those applying for the Fall 2024 Intake in the USA.
#admissions #courses #usa #Fall2024 If y'all are applying for the Fall 2024 intake to study your Master's in the United States, let's create a group chat and have a discussion on universities and courses.
Finalizing University
Hi everyone. Does it matter which university I graduate from? I applied to Industrial engineering and got an admit from the following universities. 1. Texas A&M College Station 2. Arizona State University 3. Oakland University I wish to go to Oakland university as my sister lives in Detroit and also given the high number of industries there. But I'm aware that the ranking of this university is less compared to the other universities. What should I do? Is it a wise decision to go to Oakland? #admissions
whatsapp group for Australia July intake 2023.
Hi guys, I'm from hyderabad and I have created a specific whatsapp group for Australia July intake 2023 If anyone's interested to join, please feel free to text me. We can discuss about admission queries, accommodations, part times and all other information regarding the July Intake. Let's help eachother. #admissions #accomodation #applicationprocess
Hi everyone,I am new to this group. 2 yrs gap between my 12th and btech .Is there any impact on applying for masters ? .
My Profile : 10th - 9.6 cgpa, 12th - 78 % ,B.tech (mechanical) - 8.38 ,4.3 yrs exp as a software Engineer . My concern is that I have 2 yrs gap between my 12th and btech .Is there any impact on applying for masters ? or will I get rejected from all universities . Is there any way to hide this gap by showing some certificate or by anyway (any idea pls.) Pls, help me out πππ #Masters #mastersincanada #mastersinengineeringmanagement #mastersusa #mastersUS