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devarsh rathod
fall 2025
Has anyone applied in NYU for Ms in Management and Analytics ( Fall 2025)
#nyusps #masters #ms
Comments (1)
Looking for MS in Computer science in USA for FALL 2022 GRE -324 DUOLINGO- 120 BTECH/CSE - CGPA-6.81(76.4%) 2020 PASSOUT 1 year work experience as of now. Please suggest me universities.
#universityshortlisting #USA
Of the 84 parents who attended a meeting at a school... (GMAT Quants)
Of the 84 parents who attended a meeting at a school, 35 volunteered to supervise children during the school picnic and
i am a diploma graduate student so i got direct second year admission in bachelors so i havent given my sem 1-2 and hence i dont have their marksheets and now tamuc is asking me sem 1-8 marksheets , mailed them about it
Can anyone help me out with this please
Can we book visa slot with one i20 and then change to other?
I have i20 from a few school, namely NCSU, ASU and others. And I am still waiting for i20 from TAMU. But TAMU is taking