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Ananya Gorre
winter 2024
did KSU waive off GRE score for ms in cs ?
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Do Northeastern University do interview before final admission
I have cgpa 8.42, IELTS 7.0, GRE 319 and have 13 months expirence in tcs and continuing. Is there any chances of Getting
Can anyone Suggest me a good University for MS in Business Analytics in the US?
GPA - 7.9 (TIER 2 COLLEGE) GRE - 313, AWA -4TOEFL - 95+ ( EXPECTED)
Please evaluate my profile and suggest universities for MS in CS (Canada and US)
CGPA : 8.94( ECE 2019 )IELTS : 7.5GRE : 307Work Experience : 22 months of experience in an MNC