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fall 2025
Can someone help me with MESE at UMCP Fall'25.
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I'm a fresh Graduate with an Undergraduate Degree in Business Administration. I do not have substantial work ex but have internship experience in Marketing. I have admits from US universities for MS in Marketing (STEM).
Is it ok to go for a 1 year MS Degree? Would it affect my job prospects?
SOP, LORs, Assistantship letters, Scholarship Request Essays, Resume
If anyone's looking for help in drafting or editing their SOP, LORs, Assistantship letters, Scholarship Request Essays,
My GRE score got cancelled after 5 months
I literally studied my ass off and appeared for GRE exam on 1st November 2021. The score was visible for past few month
ASU, tempe campus should we send official gre scores for application completion process??
Hello, I have applied for fall '22 intake on submitting the application the status displays:pending as I haven't submit