post-category-General Discussion General Discussion

yenumula lalit

spring 2026

a month ago

can I get into NTU or NUS Singapore if I have this qualification for 2026 for CSE

my_qualifications: I got 80 % in 10th CBSE and 97% in 12th Telangana state, 1450 in SAT, and 105 in toefl also qualified for Jee Mains and advanced below 4000 rank and very good at programming Arduino and IoT. I am willing to take 3 year's bond. can I know why people aren't going to Singapore to study or is it me who thinks it is easy to go to Singapore for undergrad .btw what do you guys think about the new-gen colleges like Scaler and Newton?. is IIT Delhi cse < ntu or nsu cse


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