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Gowri Sankar Made
summer 2023
Anyone got offer letter from heriot watt university for msc international business management??
Comments (1)
Suggest Universities for MS in either Software Engineering or Information Systems
Profile: 1. 9 Months Intern as Data Analyst, 1.5 years as Full time Data Analyst. 2. 2 Web applications using
I'm going to create a whatsapp group for all 2024 Fall student. Dm me if you want to be added.
I hope everyone is doing good,I wish you guys get a great Uni.I'm creating this group so we can be in touch with each o
Recommend Canadian Universities and their chances
Hi all, I have a B.Tech. in CSE with CGPA 7(~70%).Got 2+ years of relevant experience in MNC as Software Developer.IEL
I'm a fresh Graduate with an Undergraduate Degree in Business Administration. I do not have substantial work ex but have internship experience in Marketing. I have admits from US universities for MS in Marketing (STEM).
Is it ok to go for a 1 year MS Degree? Would it affect my job prospects?