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sneha gorantla
spring 2022
Anyone got an admission from Monmouth University spring 2022
Comments (1)
I got admits from 1.) University of South florida(MsCs)- No funding , costs around 23-25 lakhs
2.) University of Cincinnati (MengCs)- 1 year course with 9.5k scholarship ,Costs around 15 lakhs Which should I go for
Anyone is here , who is planning to go in spring 24 for ms in cs in USA ?
#spring24 #msincs #usa
Hi, Please suggest universities for MSBA/MS in Data Science in US offering scholarships for the program.
Please help in shortlisting universities offering decent scholarships for MSBA/MS in Data Science.
Can anyone please provide details about the best consultancy in Pune or someone who helps online..
Can anyone please provide details about the best consultancy in Pune or someone who helps online for providing services