Anyone got admitted/applied to Grand valley state(GVSU) for Applied computer science? If yes,please
Anyone got admitted/applied to Grand valley state(GVSU) for Applied computer science? If yes,please comment,I got 2-3 queries regarding application process. Won’t take more than 10 mins..Thanks..!
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Rohan began a savings account with a balance of $200. His current balance is $150... (GRE Quants)
Rohan began a savings account with a balance of $200. His current balance is $150. Quantity A: The percent decrease from Rohan’s original balance to his current balance Quantity B: The percent increase that would return Rohan’s current balance to his original balance A)Quantity A is greater. B)Quantity B is greater. C)The two quantities are equal. D)The relationship cannot be determined from the information given. Drop your answers below! #GRE #TestPrep #LearnFromYocket #LFY #ModerateGrade
A very specific statement of purpose
I’m applying for Fall 23 and am a Civil engg graduate from a top college in India. But my GPA is low (6.2 out of 10) and I want to apply for univs in USA for Data science. Though I have 2 year of Job Exp in IT as a SDE and an internship along with a few projects in Data science, I don’t know how to draft a perfect SOP to compensate for my lacking? I scored 320 on GRE (167 Q and 153 V) and am sitting for my TOEFL tomorrow. Can anybody help? #applicationprocess
University Decisions
Hey Everyone, Share your suggestions on this-: 1. Neu MSIS 2. UMBC MSCS Main aim is getting good job opportunity either in Data science or Software Development. UMBC is cheap as compared to NEU but NEU surpasses UMBC in terms of job opportunities location wise. #masters #USA #universityselection
x, y, and z are consecutive even integers... (GRE Quants)
x, y, and z are consecutive even integers. Quantity A: xy Quantity B:yz A)Quantity A is greater. B)Quantity B is greater. C)The two quantities are equal. D)The relationship cannot be determined from the information given. Drop your answers below!! #GRE #TestPrep #LearnFromYocket #LFY #EasyGrade