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Riya Sabadra
fall 2024
Anyone going to Uconn fall 2028?
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Hey guys. Can you suggest me for MS in CS for about which 5 moderate/safe universities I can apply!
Cgpa 6/10 Gre 311 - quants 161 verbal 150 Awa - 4 Ielts 7.5/10
MS (Data Science) in USA for Spring 2023 without GRE
Hello, Please suggest any USA universities for MS in Data Science (Spring 2023) that I can apply for? M
Anyone looking for masters in USA for FALL 2023 please DM to add in group
#masters #USA #admissions #computerscience #CSE #OPT #CPT
Am I eligible to apply for masters in usa? is wes evaluation required?
I am final year computer engineering student. i have done 2 years of diploma in computer engineering after 12th(direct s