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Yasaswini vignan
fall 2023
Anyone from Marshall University? Health informatics?
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Hi, is anybody looking forward to go to Germany after their 12th for both bachelors and masters?!
#germany #law #worlwideopportunities #germanuniversities #GERMANY #German
I'm unable to report my GRE score card as it's showing the scores aren't available. I tried reaching the Office of Test Integrity but unfortunately I haven't received any mail from them. Is anyone facing similar issue?
#gre #ets #scorenotavailable #reportgrescore
**University suggestion for MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering**
Hey guys,CGPA-7.86(till 7th semester)IELTS-7(S-6.5, W-6)GRE-318(AWA-3, Q-166) Please suggest some universities(I've
Recommend Canadian Universities and their chances
Hi all, I have a B.Tech. in CSE with CGPA 7(~70%).Got 2+ years of relevant experience in MNC as Software Developer.IEL