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Athikam Lenin
spring 2023
Anyone finalized Michigan Technological University (MTU)
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Anyone going to Arizona State University OR University of Illinoi Chicago for Fall 2023 Bachelors ?
Let's get in touch for further journey. #bachelors #USA #ArizonaStateUniversity #UIC
Need a profile eval and university shortlist recommendation- Gre - 319 (Q-167, V- 152, AWA 3.5) Toefl -103 Cgpa -7.05 (instrumentation-3rd tier college) Exp- 4.6 years as soft developer
Looking for fall 2022 admits in SE/CS. Please help
Are those who are vaccinated with Sputnik v are being allowed into US?
Hey guys, unfortunately I had two doses of Sputnik V last year, now I'm confused whether I'll be allowed into USA or not
Of the 84 parents who attended a meeting at a school... (GMAT Quants)
Of the 84 parents who attended a meeting at a school, 35 volunteered to supervise children during the school picnic and