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Harshitha Dhanekula
fall 2024
Any group for regis university
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Looking for good colleges for Masters in Computer Science in the USA or Canada. Profile Evaluation and Uni Suggestions for me, anybody? TIA!
UG Aggregate(B.Sc- CS+Math+Stats): 8.7/10 CGPAPG Aggregate (M.Sc-Data Analytics): 3.8/4 GPAInternships : 3(All relat
Hi can someone rate my chances in these unis
8 cgpa, Electronics and computer, 13+ months of internship + work ex in data science field, good in nlp. Gre waived off
Anyone interested to join WhatsApp group fall 24 ?
Anyone can DM me their phone number to join WhatsApp group created for students who is planning to do bachelor's in usa
In 2009, TechNet had an average net profit of $7.50 per item sold... (GMAT Quants)
In 2009, TechNet had an average net profit of $7.50 per item sold. In 2012, the profit decreased to $6.60 per item sold. W