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Rishikesh Mamilla
spring 2025
Any accommodation available near old dominion University, Norfolk or anywhere in Virginia
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Hey guys. Can you suggest me for MS in CS for about which 5 moderate/safe universities I can apply!
Cgpa 6/10 Gre 311 - quants 161 verbal 150 Awa - 4 Ielts 7.5/10
University suggestion based on my profile for MEM Course
Current cgpa 7.66GRE score 300Quants 154Verbal 145 AWA 2.52 internships 2projects based on arduinoTrying to give
Anyone up for the Undergraduate in CANADA in 2023 ? 🤔
#bachelors #diploma #Canada
i am a diploma graduate student so i got direct second year admission in bachelors so i havent given my sem 1-2 and hence i dont have their marksheets and now tamuc is asking me sem 1-8 marksheets , mailed them about it
Can anyone help me out with this please