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swecha reddy
spring 2025
Accommodation available in Lewisville TX near UNT, UTA
Comments (1)
You are not alone in this. At least not with us!
Do I have friends or relatives in the country I will go to? How many people do I know from the city? Who all are going t
**University suggestion for MS in Electrical and Computer Engineering**
Hey guys,CGPA-7.86(till 7th semester)IELTS-7(S-6.5, W-6)GRE-318(AWA-3, Q-166) Please suggest some universities(I've
Review of yocket Premium
I am thinking of going for yocket Premium.Any feedback or suggestions?
University of Michigan( MS in Data Science ) or IIT Chicago (MS in CS) which one is the best ?
which one is better for academic , job opportunities ?