Accepted to Carnegie Mellon Silicon Valley for MS in Software Management and to a Top-20 MBA program
Accepted to Carnegie Mellon Silicon Valley for MS in Software Management and to a Top-20 MBA program in the US.
My goal is to enter Product Management in the Technology Industry, which is what prompted me to apply for MBA. Looks like the CMU program is designed specifically for software product management. MBA is more valued, but CMU is more reputed in Tech. In the MBA program I am 5 years younger than the average age, will be competing for product management jobs with older folks with 6-8 years work experience. I intend on staying in the Tech industry in the long run, and an MBA is not absolutely necessary in the software industry as is the case with finance or consulting.
Does anyone know how the MS software management program is at CMU and whether it is better suited for product management as opposed to an MBA?
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