All About Universities

Visa Applications: Duolingo English Test's Validity


Over two million Indian students preparing to pursue higher education abroad recognize the utmost importance of English proficiency. To meet this need, the Duolingo English Test (DET) has emerged as a widely accepted and favoured option among universities and students worldwide. This digital assessment offers a convenient, fast, and reliable way for students to demonstrate their English language skills, making it a popular pathway to renowned universities.

With more than 4,500 universities and organisations globally formally accepting the DET, its credibility continues to grow. Adelphi University, Baylor University, California State University in Los Angeles, Cambrian College, University of Windsor, Kingston University, and The Australian National University are just a few examples of institutions acknowledging and embracing the Duolingo English Test.

Beyond academic acceptance, the DET also proves beneficial for navigating the immigration process. When aspiring students seek study opportunities abroad, securing a student visa becomes crucial. This article aims to provide some clarity around  visa acceptance of the Duolingo English Test in different countries. Please note that this can vary and can differ based on government official preferences. 

Fulfilling the necessary visa criteria

For students heading to the United States, and Ireland, the DET is recognized and accepted for visa purposes. In Canada, UK and Australia, while it is accepted, there are specific processes to follow. Students applying for traditional study permits in Canada may avoid additional English tests if their chosen institution accepts the DET as part of their application. However, for certain countries, the Student Direct Stream (SDS) process exists, which currently recognizes only the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) for applications.

The required scores for study visas in the top five English-speaking nations are as follows:

  • Canada: If a student is accepted by a university, the DET can be used for the visa process. However, it is not accepted for the Student Direct Stream (SDS) procedure, and students must follow the regular student visa pathway. Online English tests are currently not recognized by Canadian immigration authorities.
  • United States: The Duolingo English Test (DET) is accepted for student visa applications in the USA. The minimum DET score varies depending on the university. Typically, USA universities have an average DET score requirement ranging from 100 to 150, with top universities often requiring scores above 120
  • United Kingdom: The Duolingo English Test is accepted for UK student visas, but test takers must meet the specific requirements set by the UK government. The minimum DET score required is 105, which may vary depending on the university and program of study. This can vary from university to university, and might need an official letter from the university. 
  • Australia: The DET can be used for visa applications if prospective students are accepted by an Australian university. However, the Australian government may require additional language proficiency tests depending on the official's requirements.
  • Ireland:  The Duolingo English Test is accepted for study visas in Ireland and is now a permanent requirement for Irish study visas. The minimum score is 55 for second-level and foundation-level English courses, while for other courses, the minimum score is 75.

It's important to note that universities determine the validity of DET scores, often setting minimum score requirements as part of their admission process. To find out the specific Duolingo English Test score accepted by a university, students should directly contact the admissions office and inquire about their requirements. These rules can also change per government official, so please do your research with your visa agents as well. Check the recognition status, prepare diligently, and let your language skills shine through to open the doors to new opportunities in the world!

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