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Universities Accepting SAT Scores of 900 to 1000

Rohan Deshmukh

In plain words, yes, SAT is a tough examination. The applicant has to write for four hours and respond to problems from the Maths and English portions. While some are primary, some complicate the applicant. The critical reading portion of SAT is the most demanding part. SAT marks go from 400 to 1600. Students use these marks globally for getting admission to undergraduate degree programs.

Is a 900 to 1000 SAT Score a Good?

  • An SAT score of 900 is the lower rank. It places you in the lowermost 22nd percentile nationally out of the 1.7 million candidates who take the SAT admission test. 
  • SAT score of 900 to 1000 indicates that a student has done below-average work in responding to the problems on the Math and evidence questions and writing portions of the exam. 

Since these scores are on the lesser part of the scale, one has to take into account doing an exam preparation program and taking the SAT to know if they can perform better. 

  • An SAT score of 1000 positions a student at the 40th percentile of all test candidates. With an SAT score of 1000, one will be eligible to get admission to a good number of institutions. 

Still, it won’t frame one as a competitive candidate at the maximum of them. However, an SAT score of 1000 simply partly accomplishes this target, If the dream of giving the SAT is to offer oneself multiple university options as viable and to amplify the odds of acceptance.

List of Colleges Accepting SAT Score Between 900 to 1000


Average SAT score


Roosevelt University


Chicago, Illinois

McKendree University


Lebanon, Illinois

Mount St. Mary’s College


Frederick County, Maryland

Western Illinois University


Macomb, Illinois

Mercy College of Ohio


Toledo, Ohio

Johnson University


Kissimmee, Florida

Thomas University


Thomasville, Georgia

Southwestern College


Chula Vista, California

Mayville State University


Mayville, North Dakota

Tenessee Wesleyan College


Athens, Tennessee

Gallaudet University


Washington D.C.

Wayland Baptist University


Plainview, Texas

Maryville College


Maryville, Tennessee

Judson University


Elgin, Illinois

Tuskegee University


Tuskegee, Alabama

A small number of universities will account for admission with an SAT score of 900. Students should know that a good SAT score doesn't guarantee admission, but some universities hold a record of allowing scholars with a 900. A score between 900 and 1000 shows one can apply to a few colleges, but most institutions will demand a better score. Yocket premium provide students with more details. This platform educates students who aspire to take SAT and pursue education abroad.

FAQs About Universities Accepting SAT Scores of 900 to 1000

Is a score on a scale of 900 to 1000 good on SAT?

Which colleges accept a score of 1000 on SAT?

Where does a score ranging from 900 to 1000 stand on the percentile ranking?

What How much does a score of 1000 equal on the ACT?

What kind of scholarships can a student with a score ranging between 900 to 1000 get?

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