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How to Convert 10 Point CGPA to 4 Point GPA

Yocket Editorial Team

If you are an Indian aspirant looking to study abroad, the first and foremost issue you might have come across is the GPA conversion - how to go from 10 to 4? 🤔

In India, your academic performance is measured on a scale of 10 CGPA. So, if you’re sending the scores to a US-based university, you will have to submit them with a 4-point GPA, as recognised by the US educational system. This helps universities in the US easily identify your scores that match the grade requirement mentioned in their admission process.

But are you aware that students shouldn’t be conducting the 10-point CGPA to 4-point CGPA process? Ideally, universities or their mentioned personnel conduct it. However, it is always great to understand the CGPA to GPA conversion, as it gives you better insights into where your academic performance stands, especially on the USA 4-point grading scale.

More often than not, aspirants in this process get scared of not meeting the GPA criterion - thinking that they might not have a sufficient grade level for getting admission.

Leave all these worries to our experts here at Yocket. By advancing to Yocket Premium, you get a dedicated counselor and expert who helps you at every step of your study abroad journey. Be it LOR, SOP, resume building, our experts can guide you through everything and more!
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So to help you understand this conversion process better, we will take you through all the minute details of this mechanism.

Table Of Contents

What is GPA?

GPA (Graduate Record Examination) uses a grade score to help universities understand a student better. The GPA score scale ranges between 1.0 to 4.0 where the former is the lowest and the latter highest.

Having a good GPA score can help universities understand the effort, hard work, determination, etc. a student pours into their academics. However, before you send in the GPA score, it’s important to first understand if there are any conversions.

In simple terms, Indian students use a 10-point GPA process. So if you’re looking to apply to top US universities, you need to make a conversion because the USA considers a 4-point GPA grading system.

“So how do I calculate using the GPA converter from 10 to 4?” is a question you may have.

To calculate GPA scores, you should add all the grades and divide the sum by the number of classes you’ve taken.

Remember, GPA scores are calculated to analyze a student's performance based on a semester or term. These scores can then be helpful for international students to apply for scholarships or get accepted into their dream universities.

To calculate the complete academic performance, you should understand the CGPA first.

What is GPA?

Suggested: Top universities accepting low GPA scores

What is CGPA?

Meaning of CGPA

CGPA (Cumulative Grade Point Average) helps to calculate a student's complete academic performance.

While GPA calculates performance for one semester/term, CGPA is used to find out the grade score of a student's complete performance. 

For instance, if a student has completed a fall and winter semesters, then the GPA score of both is divided by the number of semesters, which in this case is 2 given that 2 semesters make up one year of academic education. So how do I get from the side of 10 to the side of 4? If you want to know more about this, schedule a FREE call with Yocket counselors.

How to Convert 10.0 CGPA to 4.0 GPA?

The simple formula to convert the 10.0 Indian CGPA to 4.0 US GPA is to divide your CGPA by the maximum possible CGPA (usually 10) and then multiply by 4. This will give you the equivalent US GPA on a 4.0 scale. Easy, no?

To give you a better overview, here is a table showcasing estimated conversions of CGPA 1-10 to GPA:

10 Point CGPA

Approximate 4 Point GPA

USA Grade Approximate































Getting a good GPA score matters a lot because it can reveal so much about your hard work and enthusiasm towards your academics. 

💡Yocket Pro-Tip

Here are a few tips that can help you score better:

  • Start your studies early on. This way, you have more time to practice and enhance your skills and knowledge on the course you undertake.
  • List out all your doubts and get them resolved instantly by your tutors or online resources.
  • Set a target GPA score you wish to achieve and plan ways and strategies on how you can get the score.
  • Take further help in subjects you believe will help you score less. To get a perfect score, you should be good in all your academic subjects.
  • When writing your exams, attempt all the questions, as you never know if your guesses could be proven right.
  • Find motivation to help you achieve your GPA score. Scoring a good grade in your academics might not seem easy, but with the right motivation, you will be ignited to achieve this goal.

Suggested: How to tackle low GPA Scores?

It is possible to tackle a low GPA score by making your application documents pristine. Head to Yocket’s excellent tool - SOP Builder, to get the first draft of your flawless statement of purpose.

From the Desk of Yocket

Having a 10 to 4 GPA converter helps you analyze your academic scores well. This analysis can help you do better in your course studies. The USA has always been unique, especially in their education sector, and this is evident in their grading system. Now, with a basic understanding of the GPA converter from 10 to 4, it becomes easy to match the expected grades required. 

And in case you feel that your grade point post-conversion is not sufficient to get you admission to top universities, do not lose hope. There are many more variables in your application to universities that can make you stand out! All you need is the right avenue to get that aspect to shine in your application. Since you are already here, you are a step closer to it than everyone else! Do not let a low GPA stop you from achieving your dream of studying abroad in the US! Do not let a low GPA stop you from achieving your dream of studying abroad in the US!😀

With Yocket Premium, the focus of our dedicated counsellors is not on your GPA but on your overall application. With unbiased counselling, you get your profile enhanced to an extent where your application stands out from the crowd. 

Do not let a low GPA stop you from achieving your dream to study abroad in the US! 

Tap to know more about Yocket Premium.


Frequently Asked Questions About Converting CGPA To GPA

What is CGPA to GPA?

From a 10 to 4 GPA converter, is a GPA of 3.5 good in colleges?

How to convert a percentage to GPA?

What is a good CGPA out of 4?

How to calculate your CGPA?

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