Profile Details:
University: University of Texas at Arlington
Course: MS in Computer Science
Mumbai Consulate
Date: May 2018
Status: Approved
Counter No: 34
Visa Interview Experience:
ME: Good morning sir..(smiled)
VO: Thanks you. (I laughed in mind).
VO: Please pass your passport.
ME: Gave I-20 and passport.
VO: Thank you. Why UTA?
ME: Faculty and course ware is excellent for computer science. Also my senior has recommended this university who is currently pursuing his masters at UTA.
VO: Which university you applied to?
ME: Told 5 university names.
VO: How many admits you got?
ME: 5 sir!
VO: (big smile). How you will manage your funds?
ME: My parents are going to sponsor me, also I have taken education loan.
VO: Education loan too?
ME: Yes sir (smiled).
VO: It's been 2 years you have done your bachelor?
ME: Yes sir.
VO: So you were working since then?
ME: Yes, I worked as a trainee software engineer.
VO: Do you have any sisters or brothers?
ME: Yes I have 2 younger sisters.
VO: Younger sisters, okay. (Typed something 2 minutes on computer)
(I was thinking might he is going to approve the visa)
VO: Congratulations your visa is approved!
ME: With big smile thanks sir have good day.