Masters abroad: preps and steps

Can you opt for a different field in Masters after your undergrad


Have you ever felt the urge to just rewind the time if you could and change the direction of your study if you wanted to? One of the major reasons why this desire might be burning in your mind is that you found some other path more interesting during the course of your study or after completing it.

Now, it can’t be changed but what if you want to pursue your Masters abroad and this time want to do things your way by choosing the stream that you love? 

There will be many questions in your mind right now that might be clouding your vision and here are some of them:

  1. Can I change my stream in the forthcoming future if I want to?
  2. Will I be able to cope up with the changes?
  3. How should I move forward with application?
  4. What sort of profile should I have in order to compete with the students of the same background?

Don’t be overwhelmed by these many questions. We know that you are tempted to. But, Yocket is going to present to you the remedies to all the queries above.


Can I change my stream in the forthcoming future if I want to? 

The answer to this is definitely you can. You aren’t limited to filling the applications only for your stream that you have studied previously. What we intend to tell here is that for instance if there is a student who has done B.E/B.Tech in Computer Science and wants to shift his branch to M.S in Mechanical Engineering, he surely can.


Will I be able to cope up with the changes? 

This question is certainly for you to answer. Are you willing to do what is required for you to maintain your stance and not stumble down the hill while journey towards finishing your Masters successfully? If yes, then no force can stop you to change your stream and excel in it. 


How should I move forward with my application? 

An application is something that is your reach towards the University while you sit on the couch on the other side of the world. Presenting your application in a way that the University Officials want to see it, should be the way you want to go with. What do we mean by that?

  1. You must mention everything that you have done in your past coursework in detail.
  2. Describe your driving force of why you developed an interest in that particular field.
  3. Encapsulate everything in your Statement of Purpose.
  4. Other than that just follow the regular steps of filling the application and backing it up with the timeline.


How can I compete with the students of the same background? 

If you develop this interest a while back then you also must have something to display in your profile with respect to that background. Some examples of those might be:

  1. An internship or two that shows your capability in the outflow of your interest.
  2. Any research paper published on that very topic of your interest.
  3. Projects done or demonstrated in any conferences/competitions.
  4. Small-scale certification courses done in that related field.
  5. And, in the end designing all this in your application that might take your application to the next level.

Don’t stress about it because you have the ability to crack it. Do what you love and love what you do.

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