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Describe a Useful Object in Your Home That You Can’t Live Without - IELTS Cue Cards

Yocket Editorial Team

The International Language Testing System (IELTS) evaluates English language abilities on four fronts: speaking, reading, writing, and listening. The IELTS is one of the most challenging exams in the world for studying abroad, and it is available both on paper and on the computer. For the speaking section, there are cue cards where a student is supposed to speak clearly and coherently in a very short period. Many students get anxious about this, but we can help you there.

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Table of Contents

How to Answer the IELTS Cue Card: Describe a Useful Object in Your Home That You Can’t Live Without

IELTS Speaking Section - During this part, you move to the cue cards, which means you have to provide a 2-minute answer on a given topic. This examines your ability to express and organize your thoughts using a variety of vocabulary and different characteristics of the language. Cue cards have a prompt that can help you build your answer. Speaking scores are reported as band scores on a scale from band 0 to 9; each whole and half band score indicates a specific level of English proficiency. 

Here is the breakdown of the duration of each cue card section:




1 minute


2-3 minutes

To effectively answer the cue card "Describe a Useful Object in Your Home That You Can’t Live Without," consider addressing the following questions. This approach will ensure that you cover all aspects of the topic:

  • Introduction

  • What is it?

  • How often do you use it?

  • How do you use it?

  • Explain why you can’t live without it.

Suggested: Describe a Foreign Person - IELTS Cue Card

Describe a Useful Object in Your Home That You Can’t Live Without: Sample Answer 1


Technology is an integral part of our lives. There is hardly a person who is not associated with smartphones, smartwatches, Television sets, etc. There is so much customization in the technology that we use. This makes it a tailor-made fit for us. 

What is it?

My smartphone is the one helpful object I cannot live without at home. My smartphone has become my eternal companion. I have an iPhone SE 3rd Generation. It comes in handy and is extremely fast. 

How often do you use it?

I am a working individual. The first thing I do on my smartphone is check time and notifications, communicate, work, and entertain until before sleeping. I also use it daily to check my blood pressure, body temperature, and heart rate since it is linked to my Apple watch. 

How do you use it?

My phone is my tool for making calls, sending messages, browsing the web, checking emails, using social media, taking photos, and installing many apps for productivity, entertainment, and everyday life. I check work emails, which tell me my tasks for the day. I then check for messages on the work group chat.

Explain why you can’t live without it.

I can't spend even an hour without my smartphone; I need it to stay in touch with personal and professional life, organize, and get instant information and entertainment. It has become an integral part of my day-to-day and my passage to connect with my loved ones. I live far from home and stay connected to my mother and brother via iPhone. 

Recommended: Describe Your First Day at School - IELTS Cue Card

Describe a Useful Object in Your Home That You Can’t Live Without: Sample Answer 2


Technology has been made to change the world by increasing efficiency in nearly every aspect of our lives. It has made our lives easier. We are indeed utterly dependent on technology. One such thing that I am dependent on is my laptop. 

What is it?

A laptop is a personal computer of a size and design that allows users to carry it easily and use it on their lap. I use the Lenovo laptop for my personal and professional purposes. I have used this laptop for three years without facing any significant challenges.

How often do you use it?

I work with the laptop daily for a few hours. Later, I use it for studying or in my free time. I spend at least 6 hours on my computer while I am working. After that, I want Netflix on my laptop for three hours. 

How do you use it?

I have a laptop for work. I use it for reports, virtual meetings, market research, writing blogs, cold emailing, and analyzing blogs. I also used it to study for my IELTS exam. I also attend my university classes on it. It helps me browse the internet, watch movies, shop online, and chat with friends through social media.

Explain why you can’t live without it.

I need my laptop because it is the ONLY way I work, play, watch movies, engage in other recreational forms, shop, and communicate with my friends. It allows me to work from home, access information, and contact others, which is an essential daily tool. It adds value to my life, making it more convenient.

Also Read: Describe a Time When You Shared Something With Others - IELTS Cue Card

Describe a Useful Object in Your Home That You Can’t Live Without: Sample Answer 3


Many people start their day with yoga, some with exercise, or some with cold emails, but I start my day with a warm cup of black coffee. It helps me clear my mind and raises my spirits.

What is it?

You must have guessed it. The one thing I can’t live without is my coffee maker. I use the Phillips coffee maker, the Sleepy Owl frother, and coffee beans from Nestlé. A coffee maker is an appliance that uses Coffee beans and brews them. A coffee maker is an appliance that uses C beans and bruise it. Hot boiling water drips through the coffee beans and produces black coffee.

How often do you use it?

I work remotely in a corporate setting and am always at home. This also means I need at least three cups of coffee daily. This is not your regular coffee. I’m talking about black coffee with no sugar. I use my coffee maker once in the morning, after lunch, and in the evening while reading articles. 

How do you use it?

I brew my coffee by removing the coffee beans, roasting them, and grinding them. I also select the type of coffee that I need. It can be Americano, cappuccino, or espresso shots. I press the button, and within moments, I am enjoying the fresh pot of coffee.

Explain why you can’t live without it.

Home-made coffee is a solution to keep me awake and get something done. It serves my caffeine fix and keeps me productive and awake for the rest of the day. My coffee maker is my favorite appliance because it saves me a lot of time and money by allowing me to brew coffee at home.

Read more: Describe a Festival in Your Country - IELTS Cue Card

Describe a Useful Object in Your Home That You Can’t Live Without: Sample Answer 4


A refrigerator is one of the most essential pieces of equipment in the kitchen for keeping food fresh, durable, and edible. We can keep our milk fresh. The bread does not go stale or moldy. We can prepare food for the entire week and microwave it later.

What is it?

My LG Refrigerator is the most essential object I cannot live without. 

How often do you use it?

The refrigerator is connected to the outlet at All times and is safe. I open my refrigerator multiple times daily to store groceries and find ingredients and condiments for meals and snacks. 

How do you use it?

I use it to store all the perishables like fruits, vegetables, and dairy leftovers. It allows me to organize food and keep it fresh, which will help me keep putting out great meals so I never fall off track. I planned the week's meals and stored them in my fridge. It contains most of my soft drinks to share with my friends and family while we watch television or play games. 

Explain why you can’t live without it.

My refrigerator ensures that my family‘s food is fresh. It shows the perishables are sealed well enough. It also ensures that I do not waste a lot of food. When I store the groceries at once for the week, I do not have to go back to the store, so it saves time. It is truly a lifesaver.

Suggested: Describe a Book That You Found Useful - IELTS Cue Card

Follow Up Questions

Is Attachment To Any Object Healthy?

Attachment to anything is fine if it gives you solace, usefulness, and protection. But again, it should be remembered that being over-dependent can result in slacking. It affects an individual mentally and socially in their personal lives. Attachment is okay only if you want it to serve you, not substitute for experiences or people that will shape you.

Is the Internet beneficial to use at home?

Home Internet offers many benefits, including unlimited access to information, international communication with family and friends, and digital streaming services for on-demand entertainment. It also allows you to work remotely in the comfort of your home. It simplifies daily responsibilities and fun with productivity, connectivity, and entertainment.

What Is the Advantage of Using a Home Appliance?

Home appliances do things for us to make life easier and quicker. They save hours of time and energy by cooking, cleaning, and doing laundry on their own. Television air conditioners supply contribute to an incredible luxury of life. We can save money on their utility bills by being energy efficient. Appliances make household tasks so much easier and more pleasant.

Are we getting lazy using Smartphones?

You can't call people lazy just for using a smartphone, but then again, constant or imbalanced use of smartphones reduces their productivity. As helpful as they can be for information, entertainment, and communication, smartphones can hinder problem-solving skills when someone over-relies with them. As with any supplement, moderation and responsible use are encouraged to minimize unwanted side effects like excessive insensibility to stress and reduction in motivation and productivity.

Also read: Describe a Time When You Got Up Early - IELTS Cue Card

Tips to Answer IELTS Cue Card 

Tip 1

Understand the prompt.

Tip 2

Plan your response. 

Tip 3

Use structured responses. 

Tip 4

Speak Clearly and Fluently.

Tip 5

Use a rich vocabulary. 

Tip 6

Provide various examples. 

Tip 7

Manage time wisely.

Tip 8

Practice with different cue card topics and practice regularly.

From the Desk of Yocket

The IELTS Speaking Part 2, also known as the Cue Card Task, demands the test-taker to speak well within a limited time. This section of the IELTS was about whether your preparation, confidence, and mental state have been up to the mark. Practicing regularly before the exam is crucial as it makes you fluent, coherent, and confident to perform well on the test day.

If you are planning to study abroad and want to know more about the type of standardized test requirements, reach out to Yocket Premium. Yocket experts will help you streamline your preparation and guide you through the complex process of studying abroad. Connect with Yocket experts today!

FAQ's on Describe a Useful Object in Your Home That You Can’t Live Without

What kind of object should I describe?

Is it better to example something ordinary, or rather, unique?

Should I focus more on the object itself or its significance to me?

Do I need to use complex vocabulary and sentence structures?

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