Masters abroad: preps and steps

Steps To Get An Admit for MS

Kashyap Matani

You’ve finally made up your mind to study abroad - but that’s really just the easiest part, isn’t it? The next step’s the clincher, and it’s bound to last a while, so buckle up. Your application package is your chance to get your foot inside the door of some of the most prestigious universities abroad. But even if you have an excellent academic history and great GRE score if you don’t get the right help to prepare your application with precession you would loose on some prestigious universities.

Admissions committees at universities sift through several excellent applications every year, and to make the cut, we at EDUCATION STREET ensure that your application is unique.

So how do you make your application unique? If you’ve started making your to-do lists (and if you haven’t, you really should start now, because the application process can be an organizational nightmare), your checklist may look something like this:

? Application form
? Essays
? Recommendation letters
? Standardized test scores
? Resume
? Transcripts

You ought to know that every component of your application plays a role in your admission – or rejection. As Stuart Schmill, Dean of Admission, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, says, “We look at all parts of the application to develop a picture of the applicant’s talents and motivations. It might vary for different applicant, and depends on what element tells us more.”

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Let’s go down the list first. Registering to take standardized tests is one of the first things you might want to deal with, because test dates are booked in advance, and its best you register early to get the date you want. Besides, knowing your test date is snapping at your heels can only spur you on to prepare harder.

Every university and programme has its own score requirements, which EDUCATION STREET helps you to shortlist suitable to your profile. Do not worry if your GRE score is low or your academics scores are not great. Depending on your programme, you may even be able to balance out an average score with a sharp SOP and strong recommendation letters. EDUCATION STREET specializes in this. We have dedicated editors for the same.


Going further down the list, getting your transcripts together may depend on the degree of bureaucratic obstacles at your alma mater, so expect two trips to your college office at the very least.


Application forms attempt to extract basic information like contact details or your family background, but some also request short answers to questions to understand the student.

Guidance at every stage is given to you at EDUCATION STREET. We give personal attention to what is filled by you in the forms and once confirmed by us then only you submit the form. Sample forms are there at office for assistance. Students can also sit in office and fill the forms so arrangement for Wi-Fi and Terminals is available.

ESSAYS – Statement of Purpose:

Essays are one of the most important parts of your application because they are your chance to be more than a set of numbers and scores.

You need to reveal facts about yourself that are not apparent in any of the other application material - an inspiring incident from your childhood, a life-changing event, challenges that have made you think the way you do, or how your ambitions took root. You can also mention subjects you are passionate about - ecology, cruelty to animals, adult literacy, healthcare for the aged, anti-nuclear proliferation – because they demonstrate how you think.

Universities also like to know that you have researched about the university, the programme and the faculty members and are keen to be a part of their academic community.

This is also your opportunity to explain inconsistencies in your academic or work profile (for instance, why you missed a semester or performed poorly in it, or why you took a year’s sabbatical from work). If you’re in a niche, unknown academic stream or field of work, you may also explain that here.

Focus on the programme you are applying to. “An engineer is expected to be more analytical. His essay should show how he went beyond the syllabus to develop his scientific interests, like research projects, participation in technical festivals with details of the model he developed, or more about how he used his technical skills to help others - made a website for a shopkeeper, or taught computer skills to senior citizens,”

The most important thing is to be honest. Focus your energy on painting a concise, complete, and well-thought-out picture of who you truly are, rather than present what you think the admissions committee is looking for in response to essay questions

EDUCATION STREET provides SOP counseling to bring the best essay out of you. We share with you several essays so that you have your mind thinking on those lines. First draft is always instructed to be written by the student, as we believe the essay should have the heart and soul of the student. Later we take it from their and our editors edit and polish it to make the final draft.


When it comes to recommendation letters, one rule you can go by is to approach people, who know you well, as opposed to those that are known well. If you can get both, well then, that’s just perfect, but it’s extremely important to have the former. This is because your letters must have detail and shouldn’t be a collection of empty platitudes.

EDUCATION STREET advises: They may be important people, but if they write just a few generic lines, it doesn’t help you. They must detail your abilities and strengths in different situations and describe your potential as an academic student as well.”

Three recommendation letters are normally required and at EDUCATION STREET we strive hard that it speaks volume about you.


Resume should be easy to segment, easy to read, and should always be presented in reverse chronological order, i.e., most recent activity listed first. Keep it brief and crisp.

We at EDUCATION STREET feel resume should give a clear insight towards your profile. So we help you in this task as well by providing you proper guidance and counseling.

So these are prime elements of your application process and EDUCATION STREET would like to assist you for the same.

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