Profile Details:
University: Wright State University
Course: MS in Electrical Engineering
First Attempt
Hyderabad Consulate
Date: July 2017
Status: Rejected
Visa Interview Experience:
ME: Good morning ma’am.
VO: Pass me your I-20,why this university?
ME: My major interest is VLSI & Electronics and Wright State provides VLSI & Electronics as single specialization and quite few universities provide this as single specialization..(interrupted)
VO: When did you passout?
ME: April 2017.
VO: GRE score?
ME: GRE 291, 154 in quantitative and 137 in verbal
VO: What is your percentage.? (Here I didn’t hear properly I said sorry can you repeat it..she said what is your percentage..I didn’t understand her accent here I thought she was asking some documents..Again she said your UG marks percentage)
ME: 6.83 on 10 scale.
Register for F1 Visa Awareness Session⬅️
VO: Sorry this time your not eligible for visa..
ME: Thank you ma’am.
Second Attepmt
Kolkata Consulate
Date: July 2017
Status: Rejected
ME: Good morning ma’am.
VO: Hello can you pass me your I20.
ME: Yeah, here.
VO: What the other admit did you get?
ME: South Alabama ma’am.
VO: Why did you choose Wright over Alabama?
ME: Both course curriculum were similar but Wright provides my interested subjects and moreover the research is going on resonant power converters which is closely related to UG project.(interrupted)
VO: Do you have any brother?
ME: Yes ma’am. I have my own brother staying in US.
VO: Is he working or studying.?
ME: Studying ma’am.
VO: When did he go?
ME: Last December ma’am.
VO: Which university?
ME: University of North Texas, Denton.
VO: How much did you pay for Sevis.?
ME: Here first I said 190$ then after a pause again I said, I think approximately 200$ madam.
VO: Sorry you didn’t qualify for visa.
ME: May I know the reason.
VO: I feel your not credible student for this visa.
Note: Content in this article is taken from a public forum moderated by Yocket. Personal details which may reveal the identity have been removed in order to maintain annonimity.