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Atish Sathe
fall 2024
University of California, Riverside
Doctorate in MS in Business Analytics
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Has anybody got an admit from ASU for Spring'22 and is considering it?
Would love to connect and discuss on future tasks.
are there any whatsapp groups for neu, ualbany,suny buffalo?
Hello guys, I wish to pursue MS in CS this fall 2022. My academic profile is shown below. Which universities do you guys think I have a good shot at?
- B. Tech in ECE - (10 CGPA -> 4.0 GPA) (1st in university, awarded gold medal, but from I'd say a tier 3 university).
Hi, Please suggest universities for MSBA/MS in Data Science in US offering scholarships for the program.
Please help in shortlisting universities offering decent scholarships for MSBA/MS in Data Science.