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fall 2023
Can someone please provide the process in detail for sending transcripts?
Comments (1)
Hello guys, I wish to pursue MS in CS this fall 2022. My academic profile is shown below. Which universities do you guys think I have a good shot at?
- B. Tech in ECE - (10 CGPA -> 4.0 GPA) (1st in university, awarded gold medal, but from I'd say a tier 3 university).
Which admit is better to accept for fall'22, MSCS ?
1) NJIT2) RIT3) SITif suggesting specific reason plz?
CSU Fullerton cs vs suny Binghamton cs? Which is better?
Can anyone tell me which one is better in terms of curriculum, jobs and internships.
Let’s catchup if you’re planning ms in information systems in central michigan university
#masters #ms #spring2025