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Moseli Motsoehli
fall 2019
Are there any South Africans in here
Comments (2)
Please help,
I'm planning for MS in fall 2023. What is the correct time to take IELTS test so that I cannot miss the admissions? #admissions #MSinCS #MSinUS
Can anyone suggest me good university for Masters in computer Engineering US
Current Field - BE in Computer Engineering GRE - 304 (AWA - not received yet) IELTS - not given yet (expected 6.5-7) CGPA - 9.48 (till sem 6) Project - 1 Internship - none (will do 1 internship in 8th sem as it's compulsory) Research paper - 0 #universitydecisions #universityshortlisting
GPA conversation to WES scale
I have a 8.65/10 GPA in my undergraduate degree. Some universities are requesting me to upload my GPA using the WES scale. I did check certain resources. Some say I have a GPA of 4 whereas some say I have a GPA of 3.55. I'm not sure which one is accurate. Could anyone help me find resources to convert my GPA as I could not find any. #usa #m
x, y, and z are consecutive even integers... (GRE Quants)
x, y, and z are consecutive even integers. Quantity A: xy Quantity B:yz A)Quantity A is greater. B)Quantity B is greater. C)The two quantities are equal. D)The relationship cannot be determined from the information given. Drop your answers below!! #GRE #TestPrep #LearnFromYocket #LFY #EasyGrade