post-category-Admit Finalisation Admit Finalisation


fall 2017

8 years ago

A few days ago I paid $1500 to Rutgers University (MIT program) as admit acceptance fees. Today I go

A few days ago I paid $1500 to Rutgers University (MIT program) as admit acceptance fees. Today I got admit from UIUC MSIM program. I'm really not sure which one to go for and I could really use some opinions.

Arguments so far are:

1) I am from a commerce background and Uiuc is too technical. rutgers on the other hand is a balanced course of tech and non tech (likely oriented more towards business).

2) UIUC is a big name but other than that there isn't much stats on MSIM because it's a new course.

3) I could use some insight into on campus job and internship opportunities in both the universities.

4) Some people say ranking doesn't matter so much in the end, it's the curriculum that should be considered.

5) That being said, some people might also say that UIUC undeniably a huge name.

I really have no idea and I'm looking forward to hearing from y'all.


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