Profile Details:
University: Pennsylvania State University
Course: MS in Computer Science
First Attempt
Mumbai Consulate
Date: December 2017
Status: Approved
Visa Interview Experience:
VO: Good Morning, please pass me your I-20 ans SEVIS fee receipt.
ME: (passing it to her) Good Morning Ma’am.
VO: How many colleges did you apply to?
ME: 11
VO: How many admits?
ME: 5 admits.
VO: Which was your second-choice university?
ME: Ma’am, University of California at Davis.
VO: Okay. When did you finish high school?
ME: This year in June.
VO: Why this university?
ME: This university has got the specialization relating to me. And also the courses Mobile Computing and Cyber Security are related to my project.
VO: What’s your GPA?
ME: 71 %
VO: What’s your GRE?
ME: 315.
VO: How are you sponsoring your education?
ME: Through bank loan from syndicate bank and my father would be sponsoring my living expenses.
VO: What’s your father?
ME: He works in State organization as Supervisor.
VO: What’s his income?
ME: Told XXX lacks.
VO: What kind of work would you like to do, once you come back?
ME: I would like to work on mobile application development relating to augmented and virtual reality technology.
VO: Okay, thank you. your visa is issued.
ME: Thank you.
Left the counter with lots of joy and enthusiasm. Was on the top of the world as the VO made my day.