Profile Details:
University: Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Course: MS in Robotics
First Attempt
Mumbai Consulate
Date: July 2017
Status: Approved
Counter No: 37
Visa Interview Experience:
ME: Good Morning sir.
VO: Good Morning. I will need your passport and I-20.
ME: Yes, sure.
VO: Why Worcester Polytechnic Institute?
ME: Mentioned about the project oriented curriculum and how it will provide me with hands on experience. Also mentioned the names and research of professors under whom I would like to learn.
VO: So your major is Robotics?
ME: Yes Sir.
VO: Have you applied to the US universities before?
ME: Yes sir, In fall 2016.
VO: Have you been to the states before for any interview or other work?
ME: No sir.
VO: Okay, how many universities did you apply to this year and which are they?
ME: 7. SUNY Buffalo, University of Utah, Colorado School of Mines, Oregon State University, UIC and SUNY Stonybrook apart from WPI.
VO: How many admits?
ME: 6.
VO: How do you plan to pay for the program?
ME: My parents have xx lacs of savings and will be sponsoring me. Also, I have a loan sanctioned for xx lacs.
VO: What is the name of the bank from which you got the loan?
ME: Pune District Central Co-operative Bank.
VO: What do your parents do?
ME: Told.
VO: Okay, what will you do after masters?
ME: The masters degree will provide me with an opportunity to work as a Robotics Engineer here in India at Tata Robotics and Automation or other Robotics firms.
VO: Won't you try getting something in the US? What about OPT?
ME: I haven't thought about it as of now. If anything good comes up my way, I'll take it. (He laughed slightly)
VO: When are you planning to travel to the US?
ME: August third week.
VO: Your Visa has been approved. All the best.
ME: Thanks a lot sir.
The interview lasted for not more than a minute. No documents were asked other than I20 and passport.
I followed the advice of smiling, being confident.
Note: Content in this article is taken from a public forum moderated by Yocket. Personal details which may reveal the identity have been removed in order to maintain annonimity.