Which university if better for Masters in Architecture?
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University of Washington
22 votes
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Is there any whatsApp group for University College Dublin 2023 offer holders? Let me know.
#ucd #2023fall #studyabroad #studyinireland
Ielts speaking tips
My speaking test is scheduled for Wednesday. Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks #IELTS #ielts #admissions #testprep
Universities with less tuition fee.
Hi, I would be applying for MS in CS for fall 22. I am looking for universities with less tuition fee but decent reputation. Also, can you suggest Universities that offer student aid to a good extent. I have a work ex of 3 years and a score of 314.
Hello! I have a GPA of 7.03 Duolingo score - 125 GRE Score - 320 Bachelor's degree from Electrical Engineering Master's Sought in Data Science or Enginnering Management Tuition fee - 40k USD
I have an admit from Pace University NYC for ms in Data Science but the tuition fee is very expensive. Please help me in shortlisting the Universities for fall 2022. Should I apply for i20 from the Pace University and start the visa process? or Should I apply for other universities and wait for the admit? I'm totally confused, Please help me out. #us