post-category-Success Stories Success Stories

Karthik Meduri

summer 2024

a year ago

Exciting News: Accepted into Masters in Computer Science!

Excited to announce my acceptance to University of North Texas for Masters in Computer Science. Hard work, dedication, and perseverance made it possible!


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Should i apply to more ?

CGPA 8.63 VIT UNIVERSITY 17 months internship, 9 months full time at largest US bank :) Worked on good projects and made an impact TOEFL 102 Won multiple hackathons, 2 being nation-wide 2 recommendations from professors, 1 from office peer No gre (applying only to gre waived universities) Applied to Northwestern University UM Dearborn UC Boulder University of Michigan Ann Arbor University of Washington, Bothell Georgia Tech Indiana Bloomington Have budget to apply to 2 more. What is my chance to be able to get admitted in ones that i applied ? Which ones should i apply ? Which ones have history of accepting someone with my profile. Don't want to join colleges below 200 ranking since I want a brand tag before moving on for even further plans to work as research scientist/applied researcher. Don't just want outputs from Yocket college finder. Can students who got admits from these unis help ? #ms #admissions #USA #universityshortlisting #universityselection #admit #admission

Is a below-average university worth it or not?

We categorize universities based on ranking, location, tuition fees, research portfolio, and average salaries for all placement offers. Average universities have a good ranking, location, affordable tuition, suitable research portfolios, and an average placement of $86k to $100k. While below-average universities may have low rankings and good locations near cities, tuition fees vary depending on student profiles and research portfolios. The good news is that until and unless the below-average university offers a STEM-certified program, average placement offers will still be in the $86k-$95k range. After completing your graduate studies, this salary segment is considered to be a good place to start. All universities in the United States are average or below average, and neither guarantees any placement offers. There are almost no placement fairs or on-campus selection processes, even at many of the best universities. If you are eligible (GPA greater than 3.25/3.5), you can visit your chosen company's stall and submit your resume for consideration. This system is equivalent to filling out an online job application. This has encouraged and improved the process of job selection solely on the basis of demonstrated skill sets in previous internships, projects, and interview performances. Here are some things to think about when looking at universities that are below average: -Verify that the program to which you are applying is STEM certified. -The total number of scholarships available, as well as the minimum amount -Location: The weather should not be too harsh, as this will increase your yearly living expenses. -A good alumni community that is easily accessible via the university student database or the LinkedIn community. If your university meets the four criteria listed above, you should be fine to apply to the chosen university. Just to emphasize, at a below-average university, you may be required to learn a lot of things through self-paced study materials. Therefore, it may be worthwhile to pursue graduate studies at below-average institutions. #masters #bachelors #usa #graduateschool #universityselection

In-state tuition fee in Texas,USA

Hi, anyone who has secured in-state tuition fee for pursuing Ms in any of the public universities in Texas,USA . Kindly,let me know the procedure and requirements to get the scholarship. I was hoping to pursue Ms in data science and planning to appear for fall 2022. TIA #admissions #texas #instatetutionfee #msindatascience