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Yuvaraj subramanian
fall 2024
UIUC MSIM vs NEU MSDS Fall 2024, which one should I choose?
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Hi can someone rate my chances in these unis
8 cgpa, Electronics and computer, 13+ months of internship + work ex in data science field, good in nlp. Gre waived off
In 2009, TechNet had an average net profit of $7.50 per item sold... (GMAT Quants)
In 2009, TechNet had an average net profit of $7.50 per item sold. In 2012, the profit decreased to $6.60 per item sold. W
University of Michigan( MS in Data Science ) or IIT Chicago (MS in CS) which one is the best ?
which one is better for academic , job opportunities ?
In USA, for MS in CS or related fields, for 2022 spring intake if anyone wants to discuss anything l
In USA, for MS in CS or related fields, for 2022 spring intake if anyone wants to discuss anything like application feel