Is it possible to pursue Masters in Finance in Canada without GMAT?
Preparing for an exam like GMAT is not a piece of cake. Can someone here please disclose, is it possible to pursue Masters's in Finance in Canada without GMAT? If yes, please give the names of some top universities and colleges. #GMAT #Masters
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(RIT,NY)Apex Apartment lease available for relet
Hello, A private room is available for relet at Apex Apartments, Rochester,NY(RIT). It's a 4bed 4bath apartment, the rent is $999 per month (includes all utilities) and is conveniently located very near to RIT. The current lease is in effect until August 2024 and can be renewed. If interested, reach out to me for more information on this number or on this email id-swh99sen@gmail.com #ms #masters #studyabroad
Engineering Management (MEM& MoT)
If anyone's interested in joining a WA grp for MEM, Management of Technology, MS - Innovation Management or MS - Entrepreneurship, feel free to comment down "Interested" in the comments section. I'll DM the grp joining link. #masters #engineeringmanagement #entrepreneurship #USA #MS #MEM The group is for Fall and Spring 2023 people
Some pointers about DS160:
Most of you must have received/receiving your I20 by now. The next step is to fill out your DS160 form. DS-160 is a non-immigrant visa application form, which has to be filled for any type of visa to the United States. This form is submitted electronically to the Department of State Website via the internet. These are some tips to help you with it - Save the login details and application ID as you would need them to retrieve the form every-time. - Always save your data before proceeding further. The session has a limited time and if you don't save your data, it will be lost and has to be filled again. - DS160 form stays active on portal for only 30 days. Save it your machine so that you can access it further at a later point of time. - Ensure the name, address, DOB matches the data given in your passport - Do not mention anything in shortcut such as Btech. It always a good idea to write the full form rather than specifying the abbrevations - Use only Internet Explorer 11 or higher, Firefox, or Google Chrome 58 when completing your appplication. Safari and Microsoft Edge are not supported. - You can save your application or return to a partially completed application. You will need your application ID, Birth year, Surname along with the security question. You will land exactly where you left. - Most questions are mandatory and must be answered in the spaces provided. You may leave spaces blank when the questions are marked “optional.” You may answer a question with “Does Not Apply,” when that question does not apply to you; however, all other questions must be answered. Hope this helps! #visaquery #masters #USA
Best university for me at 329 GRE (167Q, 162V), 8.44 GPA?
Hello! I'm currently in the 7th semester of my Computer Engineer degree (Bachelor) with a GPA of 8.44. I have 1 research paper, plenty of projects, internships, and freelancing experience too. I scored 329 on GRE(167Q, 162V). What would be the best university for me? I am personally aiming for UCLA, but the CGPA requirements seem quite high. Can someone suggest some good universities that I can get admission into? #lookingforuniversities #help