I got Admit from University of Alabama at Birmingham and University of Connecticut for MS in data science.Opinion please
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University of Alabama at Birmingham
University of Connecticut
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Need Help in applying for MS in Germany.
Guys I want to Pursue MS in Germany from a Public University. And I am yet to start process.Please anyone can help me in guiding me to what do from starting. My Cgpa is 8.81 so I request anyone of you to please help me. I will be thankful for life. #Germany #ms #msingermany #studyabroad #studyingermany
Please help me out.
I have decent scores in both GRE(320) and TOEFL(102) but after consulting an agency, they’ve shattered all my hopes. Apparently, all the top 200 universities reject home based scores and all I can get admits from are lower end safe universities and private ones. Is this true? Please help. #applicationprocess
Here are my following details GRADUATION: Mechanical Engineering Percantage: 66.5 Passed Out: 2017 GRE: Verbal-151, Quant-166, AWA-2.5 TOEFL: 100 Work Exp(Irrelevant): 3.5 years MS intended Programme: Data Science In which universities can I get my admits based on the above profile? #admitchances #datascience #admissions
Uploaded wrong document
I have uploaded diploma marksheet instead of diploma transcript ..and my application is still in process.. is there chance of rejection?and what should i do to upload right document? #applicationprocess #documents